Benefits of Styrofoam Beehives

As the popularity of the styrofoam beehives rose and their use extended, it became clear that keeping bees in styrofoam hives offered a number of other major benefits over maintaining bees in wooden hives.
Styrofoam beehives colonies begin to form approximately 2-3 weeks earlier than wooden hive colonies, and they begin to fly earlier in the day. As a result, the poly hive colonies are better equipped to take advantage of the nectar flow, resulting in a much larger honey yield. According to some research, equivalent colonies in styrofoam hives can yield up to 25% – 40% more honey than those in wooden hives.
Styrofoam beehives also provide major advantages in terms of colony reproduction and breeding. Because of the early start, there is a longer season to make splits and raise new queens. Because the polystyrene provides insulation, there are no chilly exterior frames, as there would be in a wooden hive. As a result, the queen in a poly hive will commonly deposit brood over all of the frames in the brood box, allowing each hive to produce more nucs.

Here are the some benefits of the styrofoam beehives
Increased overwintering success
The styrofoam beehive’s high thermal performance provides a healthy habitat for honeybees to endure cold and rainy winters. Traditional wooden beehives are prone to condensation accumulation, which puts honeybee colonies at risk of illnesses like Nosema. The Paradise Honey beehive, on the other hand, is designed to provide a dry and warm environment, which increases the survival rate and overall health of honeybee colonies.
Quicker Spring Setup
The extra warmth supplied by the styrofoam beehive supports the rapid development of new brood, resulting in a larger and more productive workforce early in the season. The queen will lay straight out to the brood chamber’s edge (wall) frames due to the uniform temperature across the brood frames.
Honey Production Increase
Styrofoam beehives have regularly exceeded traditional wooden beehives in terms of honey output. Overall, Styrofoam beehives may produce more than 35 percent more honey.
Weight Advantage
The weight of the styrofoam beehives are significantly lower, making them simpler to manage and carry. This has a substantial benefit for commercial beekeepers carrying large volumes of beehives since it decreases fuel use and allows them to employ smaller, more cost-effective trucks.
More Healthy
Styrofoam hives, unlike wooden hives, do not require maintenance and do not suffer from rot or woodworm, which can be treated with chemicals that are harmful to the bees’ health. Older or secondhand wooden equipment may have been preserved earlier with chemical treatments such as Creosote, which have since been phased out of the market due to their harmful health consequences.
Beecity Styrofoam Beehives
Queen Bee Box

The queen bee box has 4 lath capacity of 17 cm. Inside the box there is a vent in the feed hopper and the bottom of the box. External measurements; length 25.5 cm, width 19 cm, height 14 cm.
Nucleus Beehive

Nucleus Styrofoam hive works with interlaced half frames. It has 6 frame capacity. External measurements of subway bucket; length 27 cm, width 29,5 cm, height 39,5 cm.
6 Frame Beehive

6 Frame Beehives are made of solid styrofoam with the capacity of 6 frames. There are 3 ventilations on the bottom of the shell. The internal measurements are suitable for 24×48 frames (Langstroth). External measurements; length 36,5 cm, width 29,5 cm and height 36,5 cm. Grease sleeves are particularly suitable for bees wintering and for strengthening weak colonies.
8 Frame Beehive

The inner dimensions of the beehive are suitable for 24×48 frames (Langstroth). There is one large ventilation on the bottom of the hive. External measurements; length 50,5 cm, width 37 cm, height 42 cm. The wall thickness is 3 cm. It is suitable for folding if desired.