What is a Nucleus Bee Colony?

Nucleus Bee Colonies, known as nucs are formed from bigger colonies, packages, or captured swarms. A Queen, three frames of brood, one frame of honey, and one frame of pollen/nectar make up a bee nuc. Beekeepers typically acquire them to start a new colony in their apiary.
Splitting is the most popular method used by beekeepers to make nucs. Splitting is the procedure of taking 5 frames from an existing bee colony and putting them in a Nuc Box with a new queen. Beekeepers use this method to either add to their own apiary or to generate nucs of bees for sale.
Bee Nucs Applications
They are often used by expert beekeepers to start or expand their apiaries. They are normally delivered or collected up in 5 frame Nuc Boxes from your local beekeeper. Bee Nucs can also be utilized to breed new queens, re-queen colonies, and reduce hive overpopulation.
If you’re buying a Nuc, there are a few things we recommend. We have a lot of options, and you can look at them on our website, but this is what we term our “ideal” list. If you have any concerns about these or other choices, please give us a call and we will be pleased to talk to you about them!
Save time by making an order for things you’ll need before picking up your bees; simply select the in-store pick up option at checkout, and we’ll have your order ready for you and ready to put in your car when you arrive.